About Us
Jaamia Zainab is an Islamic Institution aiming to educate and train girls in a safe, secure, peaceful and Islamic atmosphere. We offer programs in Islamic Studies with emphasis on self-reformation coupled with Islamic Education, which then facilitates the understanding of the knowledge of Tafseer, Hadeeth, Fiqh, Arabic Language, Tajweed and Islamic history.
At Jaamia Zainab we not only aim to provide Islamic education but also endeavour too inculcate sound Islamic morals and values into our students
What Our Students Say
When I remember the time I spent in my Madrassah it brings to my heart cherished solace. When you finish a Madrassah and leave, only then do you understand its full value. There was a time in Madrasah when it was both easy and hard, but despite that, Allah SWT always sent peace in the heart.
I am very thankful to my beloved Asatizah who always helped and forgave us.
May Allah Ta'ala always be happy with my teachers and give them Barakah and Aafiya in their lives.

Umm Ibrahim
My life took an absolute turn over the span of 4 years, in every aspect. Jaamia pulled me out of a dark worldly pit and showed me the purpose of life. It has not only taught me Deen but also made me a confident person. I witnessed beautiful Akhlaaq, genuineness and absolute sincerity in the Asatidha of Jaamia Zainab, who leave no stone unturned in the betterment of their students.

Bint Wasiullah
Jaamia has enriched my life in uncountable ways. Besides imparting priceless knowledge which helps me in my everyday life, Jaamia has moulded me into becoming a better person by focusing on good Akhlaaq. It is due to the compassionate and encouraging nature of my beloved Asatidha that I have learnt to always pursue my goals dedicatedly, no matter how challenging it gets. The selflessness and determination of my Asatidha taught me to be more humble in life and fulfill my responsibilities. Jaamia has shaped my thinking into becoming more postitive. All in all, Jaamia is the contributing factor to my growth.

Bint Umar